How to use the HealingHOOK®?
Thanks to its simple design, Healing Hook® is a surprisingly versatile self-care tool. The instructions below will get you up to speed.
Shoulders Blade
Hold with both hands and lift the hook over your shoulder. Put the end of the hook next to the platform and press on the back, stretching the muscle. Move the hook head up, down or to the side every couple of centimeters. When you find the pain point, you get the best effect when you pull downwards and at the same time push the handle outwards. Bring the elbows close to the sides and the wrists under the arm, and you will get the force directed correctly and more power for the press. Press the muscle continuously for 10-30 seconds until the pain starts to subside. You can also rotate the shoulder while keeping the end of the hook in the muscle. This relaxes the muscles after acupressure.
Trapezius Muscle
When treating the trapezius muscle, the work is done with the upper hand by pressing point by point on the muscle with a pumping grip. This way you get more elasticity in the muscle and the energies flow better. At the same time, the turning radius of the head increases. By turning the handle of the hook to the side, you can go through the entire neck.
Skull Base and Neck
Look at the hand grip. Place the end of the hook on the border of the skull at the attachment point of the neck muscles and press with the appropriate intensity in light, circular movements. This can free up blood circulation in the head and neck area. Headaches and dizziness will ease as your brain receives better oxygen. Oxygen intake also has a positive effect on thinking ability.
Place the hook in the “winding position” and take the grip shown in the picture. Use the curved part of the hook with a rocking motion and with appropriate intensity, changing areas.
Pectoral Muscle
Both the neck and the often very tight muscle group below the collarbone, the pectoral muscles, can be treated with the same “winding grip”. The diaphragm, abdominal area and thigh and calf muscles can be treated in the same way.
Shoulder Area
The medical device Healing Hook® relaxes the muscles behind the shoulder. Grasp the joint bolt of the hook with the hand to be treated. Place the hook behind the armpit and press the stem. Power is transferred from front to back. Relieve pain by pressing away. Your hand will rise and move better.
Back, Sciatica and Buttocks
As shown in the picture and with strong pressure, you can reach deep muscle groups behind. The work is done with both hands, moving the hook according to what feels like the sweet point. The muscles of the back and legs as well as the attachment points of the muscles can be treated with the same grip.
The Soles of the Feet
The feature of the hook as a “television accessory” is best used when performing “reflexology”, i.e. treating painful areas of the soles of the feet. Lightly press these points as shown in the picture or do the same with your heel against the floor, for example, while sitting on the couch.